What causes headaches?

\What causes headaches? As we talked about previously, depending on what type of headache you are getting, the triggers can be very different. Typically, a tension headache is caused by bad position or stress. The name of the headache is a “tension” headache. You will notice with these headaches a lot of tension and tight muscles in the back of the neck region and will pull on other muscles and the vertebrae and can create a headache. Also, along those lines are cervicogenic headaches that can be similar causes such as sleeping wrong, moving in bad positions, or long strenuous positions. This is some of the connection between neck pain and headaches. Another common place of tension is the jaw. For those of you who clench or grind your teeth, this is a very likely place that can cause chronic headaches. The neck muscles, vertebrae, and jaw really correlate strongly together to cause tension headache symptoms, and should all be looked at when evaluating for the cause of tension headaches. Another couple causes of headaches are dehydration and not getting enough water, as well as food sensitivities especially with migraine headaches. Sometimes food can be triggers for headaches such as cheese and dairy, alcohol, and nitrates like hot dogs or processed meat. Obviously, there are many variations among food sensitivities for headaches triggers but finding what your trigger is can be a huge benefit for you. Going back to last video and figuring out which type of headache you are having and if it is recurring, look into some of these common causes for the specific types of headaches. This can then help you try and prevent some of those headaches from coming back as bad, as often, or lasting less time. Realistically, if you experience headaches, you are likely to continue to have headaches. However, you can affect a lot of factors that make headaches worse. Again, if you are sitting at a computer all day with bad posture and don’t change some of the ergonomics, your headaches likely won’t change and will continue to return over and over again. There are some people out there that don’t get headaches that do all these same things and we don’t know all the details on why some people have headaches and others don’t. First thing is first though, if you have headaches and you haven’t been evaluated by a professional, that should be done first. If you have, investigate your life and see if there are any of these triggers that you have and try and change them and see how you feel.

Check out the previous blog for more information on headaches by clicking here.

Tahoe’s Premiere Sports Chiropractor

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There are many causes as well as different types of headaches. Some are worse than others and some of other underlying causes to be aware of.

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