Shoulder Pain/Position – July 2017

Written by: Darin Haworth

May 30, 2018

Dr. Darin Haworth bringing you another health tip. This one is about shoulder pain and positioning. A big problem that I see is that people come in and have this rounded shoulder position. The problem with that is that we are constantly on our computers or cell phones. We are always in that position which can pintch down on the front of the shoulder and stretches out a lot of the muscles on the back of the shoulder, rotator cuff muscles. What that can lead to is shoulder dislocations and rotator cuff tears. One of the easy things that you can do is get those shoulder to move back. As those shoulders move back, it gets the shoulder in a better position and you aren’t stretching and pinching as many things and is more likely to be a healthier joint because the shoulder should be able to move a whole bunch. The next time you are sitting at a computer, working on your cell phone, or even working out at the gym, before you get into that rounded position or every once in a while, take a break and get those shoulder back. This can get things to move a lot better and even decrease some of the shoulder pain you may be having with just the position itself. Thanks for watching and see you next time.

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