Dr. Darin Haworth here bringing you another health tip. Today I want to talk to you about knee pain. Most of the time with knee pain, unless it is a trauma, like a fall or a hit, the knee pain isn’t always coming from the knee. The big thing that you can figure out is what position that knee is in during whatever activity you are doing. A lot of the time the knee pain is coming from the hips are not able to hold the knees in a good position. This is what I tend to see (see drawing in video). The knees diving in as you run, jump, or squat down. This puts a lot of stress on the knee in a very awkward position, then is can cause some of that knee pain. So something you can do at home is, next time you are doing some of you exercise or squatting, anything like that, take a look at where your knees are and see if that is in a good position. If it is something like this, maybe strengthening the glutes a little bit more or getting more motion in the ankles and give that a shot. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Have a good day and see you next time.
How to improve carpal tunnel syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause problems to your every day life. Finding where the nerve is effected and why it is irritated are ways to manage the symptoms.