Chiropractic can help with pregnancy!

Pregnant women report roughly 50-80% had low back pain during their pregnancy. There are obviously a lot of other conditions that may come up as well during pregnancy, but that number is just for low back pain. There are a lot of factors that go into why that could be. First, there is some weight gain during pregnancy and there are different biomechanics in how you move. The hormone relaxin is another factor. The purpose of this hormone is to allow the symphysis pubis (front of the pelvis area) to spread wide enough to allow the newborn to come out of the womb. What researchers are finding is that your body is not great at releasing a hormone that only affects one small area, so the idea of this ligament laxity (loosing up of ligaments) will spread into the lower back and the hips is common. A lot of other issues can come into play because your body is trying to prepare for childbirth but is focusing on figuring out the other concerns as it goes as a secondary concern. When you are pregnant you are trying to be aware of so many areas such as nutrition, exercise, movement, and staying healthy for you and your baby. Chiropractic is a great way to incorporate a way of trying to get some of that benefit. You do not have to go through this whole pregnancy assuming that the pain will never go away, there is no way to treat it and manage to get through it until things are over. Like previously mentioned, up to 80% of pregnant women have lower back pain, and up to 20% still have lower back pain after two or even three years after being pregnant. It is something that needs to be addressed, there are things you can do, and it is relatively safe in a sense of healthcare. Obviously, there is a lot of precautions that must be taken but it is something that you can do as a mother to be able to help yourself feel comfortable during this pregnancy. The goal is to help find some relief and be able to just manage how things are changing.

Here are a few more tips to be aware of in the first year after child birth.

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