A common question that comes up is should I use ice or heat? Is there a best time for one or the other? Or is one...
Sports Performance
Picking the right footwear
May 23, 2024 | Activity Specific Tips, Evidence Based Practice, Sports Performance, Summer Tips
Going into the summer, or just not snow and winter here in Tahoe, several types of footwear start being used. The...
Pillow Talk: How sleep relates to health
Apr 10, 2024 | Evidence Based Practice, Posture, Sports Performance
Is there a connection between sleep and your health and chiropractic care? Let us dive into a few aspects to think...
Making Lifestyle Modifications
Jan 17, 2024 | Benefits From Adjustments, Evidence Based Practice, Sports Performance
What are your plans for the new year to help you get on the right path health wise? If you are trying to make yourself...
What factors can effect my healing time?
Dec 13, 2023 | Evidence Based Practice, Sports Performance, What to Expect
A common question that comes up is "how long before this pain goes away" or "how long until I am all better". So,...
What stretches/exercises should I focus on?
Nov 2, 2023 | Exercises, Rehabilitation, Sports Performance, Stretching, Summer Tips, Winter Tips
Are you that person that has gone through PT or previous injury and has an extensive list of exercises that you just...
What is tissue tolerance?
May 4, 2023 | Activity Specific Tips, Evidence Based Practice, Sports Performance, Summer Tips, Winter Tips
What is tissue tolerance? The whole Tahoe region has been hit hard with a mass amount of snow this 2022-2023...
What is Core Stability?
Dec 2, 2022 | Evidence Based Practice, Locations Specific Conditions, Lower Body, Rehabilitation, Spine, Sports Performance, Upper Body
What is core stability and why is it important? First off knowing what is not core stability might answer the...
How often should you get adjusted by a chiropractor?
Sep 29, 2022 | Benefits From Adjustments, Evidence Based Practice, Sports Performance, What to Expect
How often should I get adjusted by a chiropractor? This cannot be specifically answered for every individual...