What is core stability and why is it important? First off knowing what is not core stability might answer the previous question better. Just because you are strong does not mean that you have core stability and vice versa, just because you are weak does not...
Have you said to yourself “I just woke up and my back started hurting for no reason,” or “I don’t know what I did, but my back or neck hurts all of a sudden.” A common ailment I see in my office is repetitive trauma. What that...
How often should I get adjusted by a chiropractor? This cannot be specifically answered for every individual and as I have said before, it depends. I will give you a guide and depending on a lot of circumstances I could give you a more specific answer...
What should you do to return to activity/work/sport after injury? Living in Tahoe, a lot of people want to be outdoors and do various activities. When injury occurs and you have to slow down or stop for a while, what do you do next? There is a lot more to it...
Chronic pain will affect all of us at some point in our life. Whether that be headaches, back or neck pain, shoulders or upper extremity pain, or knees or lower extremity pain, at some point this will be a concern. What you do about managing those chronic conditions...
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