How to lift and deadlift part 1


This video, along with the next one, will show how I like to do part of the progression for deadlifting and core strengthening work. The key is trying to get the right areas of the body to do the right type of work.

Step 1: Glute bridge exercise. While lying on your back and your feet flat on the ground, squeeze the glutes and then push the hips towards the ceiling. The hips and low back are able to do the same motion in trying to lift things, but the hips are much stronger and more efficient to do the job with a heavier load and more often. The back should feel fairly loose during this exercise. There may be some tension in the low back, but it shouldn’t be painful.

Step 2: Hip hinge. Find a stick, broom, dowel etc. and try this. So hold it behind your body, as pictured, with 3 points of contact on the tailbone, upper back, and back of the head. Try to maintain those 3 points of contact with the dowel the whole time. Now push the hips backwards like you are getting chopped at the front the hips. Keep a soft knee position, not locked or completely bent. One thing you can also try is doing this hinge next to a wall. This will let you know if you are pushing your hips back or just bending forward. This is the good example. The bad example or common mistakes are the dowel coming off of your back or tailbone is the most common spot and means you are bending in the back and loading the spine more if you were to pick something up.

These two steps are probably the hardest to learn because they are different types of motion than most of us are used to. Once you feel comfortable there, feel free to move on to part 2 of this video tutorial which will be coming soon.

Just for fun, I know this may not be where most of you will take this, but here is the world record deadlift of 500kg (1102 pounds). There is no way he could do that with just his back muscles. Position is everything.

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