What is tissue tolerance? The whole Tahoe region has been hit hard with a mass amount of snow this 2022-2023...
Evidence Based Practice
Knee Pain From Movement
Mar 10, 2023 | Evidence Based Practice, Lower Body, Summer Tips, Winter Tips
I have had a recent increase in the number of knee injuries that have been coming in. The most common type of...
What is Core Stability?
Dec 2, 2022 | Evidence Based Practice, Locations Specific Conditions, Lower Body, Rehabilitation, Spine, Sports Performance, Upper Body
What is core stability and why is it important? First off knowing what is not core stability might answer the...
Why can back pain come on randomly?
Nov 1, 2022 | Benefits From Adjustments, Evidence Based Practice
Have you said to yourself "I just woke up and my back started hurting for no reason," or "I don't know what I did, but...
How often should you get adjusted by a chiropractor?
Sep 29, 2022 | Benefits From Adjustments, Evidence Based Practice, Sports Performance, What to Expect
How often should I get adjusted by a chiropractor? This cannot be specifically answered for every individual...
How to return to work or activity after injury
Sep 9, 2022 | Activity Specific Tips, Evidence Based Practice, Sports Performance
What should you do to return to activity/work/sport after injury? Living in Tahoe, a lot of people want to be...
How chronic conditions change us
Aug 1, 2022 | Evidence Based Practice, Sports Performance
Chronic pain will affect all of us at some point in our life. Whether that be headaches, back or neck pain, shoulders...
Setting Up Your Workspace
Jun 6, 2022 | COVID 19, Evidence Based Practice, Posture
Have you set up your workstation correctly to avoid injuries? Ever since COVID hit, there has been an increase in...
Physical Therapists and Chiropractors
May 4, 2022 | Evidence Based Practice, Rehabilitation, Sports Performance
Do chiropractors and physical therapists work together? Have you ever thought about seeing a chiropractor and a...