What to expect: After your first visit

Written by: Darin Haworth

February 6, 2023

What should you expect after your first visit?


The most common problem that could occur where ever you may be getting work done, neck, shoulders, back, even feet, may be a temporary worsening of symptoms. It may dip down and be a little worse for up to 24 hours and then start to get better or come back to where it started. This soreness would be best described as “just worked out” type of sore. If there are more symptoms than that, maybe there were things that didn’t come up during an examination or some underlying issues that could cause some more adverse effects. Just make sure you discuss that with your medical professional. Other people it may just get better from the start, which is obviously the better option. There always is potential risks for any medical treatment. Those risks vary a lot depending on the condition and treatment being performed. For example, putting a band-aid on may cause skin irritation and rash compared to heart surgery that you could potentially die during the procedure. How often those adverse effects happen is also another thing to consider with any treatment. To reiterate that point, research has shown that the likelihood of injury is 76% less when you go to your chiropractor first compared to your primary care physician. There is a low risk of injury with chiropractic treatment. Also, there is potential that you can have improving, and sometimes immediate, relief from symptoms.


Subsequent or follow up visits may still have some of that soreness following treatment, but it should be less and less. Ideally and most often, after the second visit we will start to usually see some improvements. Those improvements will likely be temporary, but that is what we are building on. This is the concept with any conservative or holistic treatment. There will be multiple visits to try to get the body to change and get out of pain and/or improve function a little at a time. These changes may be improvement in pain intensity, pain frequency, increased range of motion, and special testing changes. As we monitor these changes and how long they maintain improvements we tailor your care to help you achieve your goals in a realistic time frame. We provide various treatment options to be able to get you to that point as fast as possible. One of the other main points would be patient education. We take the time to go over with you what is going on and help give you the tools that you need to help you understand how to manage your situation best for you. The research supports that patient education helps you have a better outcome. Also, with the fact that the number one cause of injury is previous injury to the area, you are likely to have this problem come up again. That education will help you manage that concern for any follow up concern when that may occur.


The bottom line is chiropractic is relatively safe, especially compared to some alternatives, helps you avoid medications including opioids, and can offer you some relief for immediate and long-term benefit.



Tahoe’s Premiere Sports Chiropractor


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